Dental restorations bring back normal functions to your teeth’s by restoring them. They are made of sturdy material so they can effectively take on the work that your natural teeth do.
However, despite their sturdy and durable nature, your dental restorations can still be damaged. When this happens, your dental functions are affected. Eating is difficult and in most cases, pain usually follows.
Alex Bratic Dental Care has provided quick and efficient emergency care to the local community in Beenleigh for over 20 years. Rest assured that we will address your dental emergency immediately so you can be back to your regular schedule as soon as possible.
What Causes Their Damage?
Dental restorations can be damaged for a number of reasons, including:
Natural wear and tear
Over the years your dental restorations have participated in the different functions of your teeth. These functions can weaken restorations and cause their damage at some point. Much as we do not like it, dental restorations do not last forever.
Improper care
Your dental restorations have limitations. Just like your teeth, they cannot be used as tools outside their intended purpose. Biting down on hard/ sharp food/material, opening packages, tearing tapes/ribbons are examples of dangerous uses.
Secondary cavities
Dental restorations are often employed to restore a tooth damaged by tooth decay. Upon placement, your dentist will remove all decayed parts and make sure that your mouth is clean.
Taking care of your dental restorations includes the practice of good dental habits. Failure to do so encourages the growth of secondary cavities that can weaken the tooth supporting the restorations.
Poor dental work
Getting the right dentist is just as important as getting the treatment. Poor dental work affects the longevity of your dental restorations.
What To Do
Dental Crowns
For damaged dental crowns, here’s what you can do:
- Locate and secure the crown.
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly and apply clove oil to the affected tooth to lessen sensitivity and pain.
- Call your dentist immediately.
- Using dental cement or a petroleum jelly to keep the dental crown in place temporarily.
Fillings, Inlay/Onlay
For damaged fillings, inlay/onlay, here’s what you can do:
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove all broken pieces.
- To be safe, do not reattach the damaged fillings, inlay/onlay. When swallowed they are no danger. But when you accidentally breathe them in, they can cause an infection in your lungs.
- Apply clove oil to the affected tooth to lessen sensitivity and pain.
- Call your dentist immediately.
Comfort, Convenience, and Excellent Emergency Care at Alex Bratic
Alex Bratic Dental Care provides families with instant, effective relief from dental emergencies. We serve patients of all ages in Beenleigh, Eagleby, Mount Warren Park, Windaroo, Waterford, Edens Landing, Holmview, Pimpama, Yatala, Bethania, Alberton, Jacobs Well, and Tamborine.
Call us on (07) 3287 2627 or request your emergency appointment online!