Dentures are one of multiple options for restoring your teeth’s function under restorative dentistry. Designed with the natural look and feel of natural teeth, dentures have been a popular choice for those who suffer from tooth loss.
However, despite their sturdy and durable nature, dentures can still suffer damage. They can break anytime and often without warning, which doubles the inconvenience.
When your dentures break, it’s important that you know what to do. Your partner at Alex Bratic Dental Care can help save the day. Broken dentures are a serious dental emergency and need a quick response. Rest assured that your Beenleigh dentist is the right choice.
Why Do Dentures Break?
It’s important to know the factors that contribute to dentures’ damage. Knowing them can help you take care of your dentures.
#1 Natural wear and tear
Nothing lasts forever, and your dentures are not an exemption. Every day they participate in the different activities that your natural teeth perform. Grinding, chewing, biting, and other similar actions can weaken your dentures. Over time they will crack, break, and need replacement.
#2 Abuse
Just like your teeth, your dentures need care. Their strength is lesser compared to your natural teeth, and they cannot be used as tools. Your dentist will have given you advice on how to take care of your dentures. Biting down on a hard or sharp material, opening packages, tearing tapes/ribbons, are some examples of abuse that can damage dentures.
#3 Imperfect fit
To be at their best, your dentures should fit you perfectly. Ill-fitted dentures can move around and create cracks that will, in time, result in breakage. Another problem of ill-fitted dentures is the possibility they might fall out of your mouth.
#4 Accidents
To keep your gums healthy, dentures should be removed every night. Every time you remove them, there is the risk of them falling and breaking.
What To Do
In case of broken dentures, the best thing to do is see your dentist right away. Do not be tempted to fix them yourself using dental cement available in drug stores. Dental repair kits are often ineffective and cause further damage.
Fixing broken dentures requires the skill and knowledge of a dentist. Repairing them yourself can make it harder for your dentist to fix them.
Do not hesitate to call your dentist. Alex Bratic Dental Care has over 20 years of experience in serving a wide range of patients in the local community.
If you want your inconvenience to end, the right way is the fastest way. See your dentist for an emergency appointment so you can be back to smiling and biting as soon as possible.
Comfort, Convenience, and Excellent Emergency Care at Alex Bratic
Alex Bratic Dental Care provides families with instant, effective relief from dental emergencies. We serve patients of all ages in Beenleigh, Eagleby, Mount Warren Park, Windaroo, Waterford, Edens Landing, Holmview, Pimpama, Yatala, Bethania, Alberton, Jacobs Well, and Tamborine.
Call us on (07) 3287 2627 or request your emergency appointment online!